A Stick-Figure Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 3 (part 1)

It’s been a couple of (VERY HORRIBLY EVENTFUL) weeks, but it’s time to get back to A Stick-Figure Hamlet at last! If you’re just joining us, you can start with the Dramatis Personae and work your way forward.

The Story So Far: The ghost of Hamlet’s dad has told Hamlet that Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius, murdered Hamlet’s dad. Hamlet is very understandably upset by this, and just put on a play reenacting the murder, provoking a reaction from Claudius that proved his guilt. Aaaaand… let’s just take it from there.

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

Some productions put the intermission here, and I honestly kind of like it.

Stay Home, Stay Safe (Shakespeare Edition)

How should we be acting during global pandemic? As with so many things in life, we can look to Shakespeare for guidance.

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

This is probably the ONLY situation in which I can confidently say… Be like Timon.

(Except for the bit where he pays prostitutes to go spread venereal diseases. Don’t do that bit. Ew.)


Another day of global pandemic filler, with some useful quotes for you to practice while self-isolating! (Note: I didn’t notice they were ALL from history plays until I finished drawing the comic. I guess you can tell what my favorite genre is…)


Don’t be an idiot like Falstaff. Stay away from Eastcheap and the Boar’s Head. Stay home. And while you’re staying home….


This Saturday I'm giving a virtual Bard Talk on Zoom courtesy of the Shakespeare Center of LA! (Unlike many events, this one was always supposed to be a virtual webinar, so nothing has changed!) You should all register and come see me talk awkwardly at my webcam and do some live drawing. Don't pretend you have something more important to do... Register for the talk here.

Verona Crisis

Hey. So, I was fulling intending for A Stick-Figure Hamlet to be back up and running this week, but I’ve been so distracted/preoccupied/anxious/stressed out these past two weeks that I completely lost the ability to concentrate on my work. I’m hoping my brain will settle down soon, but for now, here’s some topical filler.


Note: I can’t take credit for coming up with “Verona crisis”. I don’t know who originated that, unfortunately; it’s been going around my Shakespeare circles like wildfire lately.

Some more filler coming up on Thursday. Stay safe, stay inside, stay healthy everyone.

The Fretful Porpentine (Remastered)

Hey! So, I’m still a bit o’erwhelmed, because my week “off” that I was supposed to use to get caught up on Life ended up being used to prepare for and freak out about our current pandemic, which has finally hit my corner of the globe. So, I’ve thrown together a couple filler items to keep us going for another week before I get back to A Stick-Figure Hamlet, starting with a remastered version of The Fretful Porpentine!

I will never get tired of the fretful porpentine.