GTB Play Page Updates: Timon, Titus, and Troilus

It’s “T” day, featuring three comparatively marginal plays starting with “T”! Not a lot of comics here yet. Give me time.

….like, a lot of time. You aren’t going to be seeing a Troilus and Cressida scene-by-scene for a while.

Stay Home, Stay Safe (Shakespeare Edition)

How should we be acting during global pandemic? As with so many things in life, we can look to Shakespeare for guidance.

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

This is probably the ONLY situation in which I can confidently say… Be like Timon.

(Except for the bit where he pays prostitutes to go spread venereal diseases. Don’t do that bit. Ew.)

The Troilus and Cressida Death Clock

It's the penultimate Shakespearean (tragedy) Death Clock! The classification of infamous "problem play" Troilus and Cressida as a tragedy is a bit shaky, but, even though its title characters don't die, I feel it's closer to a tragedy than a comedy. It certainly doesn't leave you rolling in the aisles. 

I'm not 100% sure I got all the deaths. The Trojan War is going on constantly in the background, so I might have missed some before the big bloodbath at the end. Let me know if I have!  Troilus and Cressida is a weird, weird play... 

Anyways, tune in next Tuesday for the final installment of the Shakespearean Death Clocks! least until I start work on the history plays...

Shakespearean Character Spotlight: Chorus

It's time for the second installment of my very-ongoing Shakespearean Character Spotlight series! Today the random number generator has picked out a Chorus for closer inspection, but it's probably not the Chorus you're thinking of. No, it's not that other one either. It's (drumroll please) the Chorus from Troilus and Cressida!

I want to start a campaign to reintegrate "orgulous" into contemporary speech. Start using it today! I suggest trying out the phrase "Don't be so orgulous, man." 

Three-Panel Plays, part 17

The third-to-the-last installment of my Three-Panel Plays series is upon us! My, how time flies when one is having fun. 

I hope you won't judge me unkindly, but out of all thirty-eight plays, this was easily my favorite one to draw.

I saw a fantastic performance of Troilus and Cressida at the Stratford Festival back in 2003. I don't actually remember much about it, except Patroclus full-frontal flashed Odysseus, Paris and Helen got it on on-stage, and there were lots of people running around with spears. It was a lot of fun. 

We're almost done! Come back on Monday for Twelfth Night and The Two Gentlemen of Verona

See all Three-Panel Plays here!