I’m back! Sort of. Maybe? Kind of. Possibly. Anyways. Look! A comic!
Unlike Cap, I cannot do this all day, but I’m going to try and get back into a sustainable comic-producing rhythm this month. Thanks for your patience! It’s good to be back.
I’m back! Sort of. Maybe? Kind of. Possibly. Anyways. Look! A comic!
Unlike Cap, I cannot do this all day, but I’m going to try and get back into a sustainable comic-producing rhythm this month. Thanks for your patience! It’s good to be back.
Them: Shakespeare is soooo romantic!
Me: 🤨
Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt
Huge shout-out to my consulting pocket dramaturg Kate Pitt for coming up with the ideas for all of these.
Be sure to check out Shakespearean Valentines (part 1) and Shakespearean Valentines (part 2), as well as all my other Valentine’s Day themed comics.
Today’s saunter through the R&J cast list features everyone’s favorite feline fencer!
Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt
My favorite Tybalt remains Michael York from the Zeffirelli film, but special mention to Alan Rickman, who managed to somehow still be menacing despite being saddled with this truly appalling and not at all intimidating look. No wonder he was in such a bad mood all the time.
Let’s keep working our way through the R&J cast list, shall we? He may not have the biggest part (wahey!) but he certainly has the biggest mouth.
Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt
Ugh, this jerk.
I’ve been meaning to draw a comic about the oppositely-named Benvolio and Malvolio for years, but never got around to it. Well, here it is!
Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt
Protect Benvolio
Lots of big-name characters still haven’t gotten the stick figure iconography treatment yet, so let’s take a closer look at the cast of Romeo and Juliet!
Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt
Aaaand we’re back! Thanks for your patience.
Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like everyone is doing R&J right now. Also, I’m OK with never seeing Lear again in my life.
Time to once again revisit and renovate some old classics! Let’s polish up some Shakespearean Selfies!
Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt
And here’s the original, from waaaaaaay back in 2013, just a few months after I started Good Tickle Brain.
You’ll note that back then I hadn’t yet settled on the “triangle and circle” stick figure aesthetic I prefer again, and actually wasted lots of time drawing CLOTHES and stuff. I’ve learned a lot since then.