Pandemic Lessons & Life

A pair of pandemic-themed comics from last year, courtesy of my supporters on Patreon. I’m extremely fortunate in that I’ve been minimally affected by the pandemic (apart from the constant buzzing anxiety and crushing lack of in-person social interaction that everyone is suffering). So I’m trying to focus on the positives here.


The last 12 months have definitely been a learning experience and I would like it to end now, please and thank you.

GTB Play Page Updates: Henries IV, V, and VI

Today’s play page update features not one, not two, but THREE Henries! I have to confess, these are six of my favorite plays (ok, not Henry IV, part 2, as much as I love the deathbed reconciliation scene.) Olivier’s film of Henry V was my gateway into Shakespeare nerd-dom, seeing an RSC tour of all three Henry VIs and Richard III cemented my allegiance to the history plays, and the title of my webcomic COMES DIRECTLY FROM HENRY IV, PART 1.

Give me that sweet, sweet Plantagenet in-fighting, thank you.

The Point

Another autobiographical comic, courtesy of my excellent supporters on Patreon. These comics are very much self-therapy for me. None of my existential crises seem quite as dire once I’ve put them into comic form.


Wow, I can’t believe I drew that back in 2018, before society and the world LITERALLY collapsed around us. I was so innocent and naïve.

GTB Play Page Updates: Comedy, Cymbeline... Edward III??

Some more play page updates for you today! I was surprised by relatively how many comics I’ve actually drawn about Cymbeline, and was also surprised by how few comics I’ve drawn about Comedy. The number of Edward III comics, meanwhile was exactly what I expected.

Pep Talk

I keep telling my friends “[this month] I’m going to recharge and reset so I can avoid burnout and come back stronger than ever” and then I keep not doing it. But I’m really going to try this month.

Nope, still not buying it.

This comic comes to you courtesy of my most wonderful supporters on Patreon.

GTB Play Page Updates: All's Well, Ant & Cleo, As You

Time for some more play page updates! I’ve run out of plays that I’ve done complete scene-by-scenes adaptations for, but I’m putting together pages for the rest, starting with the As: