Once and For All

I wasn’t planning to take June off, but it’s been good for me. I’ve been trying vaguely to work, but mostly I’ve been letting myself rest and recharge a bit.

One thing I have not been doing is trying to get to Inbox Zero.


If I never responded to you e-mail, this is what happened and I’m sorry.

Today’s comic, as with all of this month’s filler content, comes courtesy of my noble and patient supporters on Patreon.

Hamlet Outtakes: The Panel Oft Proclaims the Man

Some more bonus content courtesy of my Patreon supporters! The genesis from this comic came from conversations I had with my pocket dramaturg, Kate Pitt, while working on my Hamlet adaptation. I ended up depicting the closet scene in a fairly conventional way, but I adored Kate’s suggestion for this very meta staging choice:

Seriously, I’m not sure why Kate has a better instinct for medium-busting visual jokes than I do. I’m supposed to be the artist in this partnership. It’s not fair.

How to Draw Antigonus (a.k.a. The Bear Guy)

I was hoping May was going to be the month where I finally caught up one some long-neglected commissions and got my working life under control again. Unfortunately, I ended up burning out and not getting very much of anything done. My brain basically feels like it was just mauled by a bear.

Oh, and speaking of “mauled by a bear”…

This video comes courtesy of my exquisitely generous supporters on Patreon.


Hey! I was hoping to be back up and running this month, but May was kind of a disaster for me and I am at the end of my proverbial tether, so here are some filler strips courtesy of my wonderfully generous Patreon supporters.



Pandemic Lessons & Life

A pair of pandemic-themed comics from last year, courtesy of my supporters on Patreon. I’m extremely fortunate in that I’ve been minimally affected by the pandemic (apart from the constant buzzing anxiety and crushing lack of in-person social interaction that everyone is suffering). So I’m trying to focus on the positives here.


The last 12 months have definitely been a learning experience and I would like it to end now, please and thank you.