30 Days of Shakespeare, Day 23: Straford-upon-Avon

It’s Shakespeare’s (possible) birthday! To celebrate, let’s take these 30 Days of Shakespeare back to his hometown.

Not long after I started drawing Good Tickle Brian, Lisa Peter, then working with the education department at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in Stratford-upon-Avon, contacted me and asked to commission some illustrations for SBT educational handouts. This was the first big piece of external validation I received from the Shakespeare world, and the first time I thought "wow... maybe this stupid little comic I'm drawing has some value beyond just amusing myself". Today you can find my stick figures all over various SBT teaching resources. Being able to visit Stratford in 2019 and have Lisa and her colleague, the amazing Cait Fannin-Peel, show me around was a dream come true. I still remember every bit of it vividly.