Twelfth Night: Act 1, Scene 2

My scene-by-scene re-telling of Twelfth Night saunters on, with today's comic seeing the introduction of one of Shakespeare's great female leads: Viola

FUN FACT: The name "Viola" isn't actually mentioned by any character until the last scene of the play! We literally have no idea what her real name is until the last scene. 

OTHER FUN FACT: "Viola" is pronounced "VIE-oh-lah" and not, as I originally thought in my youth,  "vee-OH-lah". One is a famous Shakespearean heroine, the other is a massively underrated string instrument.

And don't ask me about her cunning plan to disguise herself as a singing eunuch. I don't know. I just don't know.

Dramatis Personae | 1.1 | 1.2