How to Draw Banquo

It’s October, the spoooooookiest month of the year! Shakespeare is full of spooky, so, to get in the seasonal swing of things, let’s start with taking a look at how to draw my personal favorite Shakespearean ghost!

OK, so all of Shakespeare’s ghosts are pretty cool. I don’t want to play favorites. But… COME ON. THE GORY LOCKS. That’s some top-quality spooking going on there.

This video comes courtesy of my top-tier supporters on Patreon, who, in the grand scheme of things, are the goriest of locks. And I mean that as a compliment.

A Stick-Figure Hamlet: One Page Summary

It’s taken me just over a year to finish A Stick-Figure Hamlet. For those of you who have following along since the beginning, thank you! For those of you just joining me… you didn’t miss much. Let me sum up:

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

A huge HUGE thanks to my pocket dramaturg, Kate Pitt, for being with me every step of the way, answering all the random questions I had about the text, making sure my storytelling was clear, discussing the pros and cons of different interpretations, fixing typos, and generally being the best moral support a Shakespearean cartoonist could wish for.

I’ve neglected a lot of stuff while working on Hamlet, so I’m going to take some time off to get caught up on life. I’ll be posting just once a week on Tuesdays, for the next month and possibly for the rest of the year, although I’ll possibly come up with some filler stuff for Thursdays at some point.

So… see you next week for something that will DEFINITELY NOT BE HAMLET.