GTB Play Page Updates: 2Gents, 2Kinsmen, Winter's Tale

It’s the final set of play page updates! Oh my gosh, I hate organizing my archives. I hate it so much. But it’s done! And it’s already out of date! I hate this.

Anyways, here’s the last of the little buggers.

BRB gotta go update my archives again.

All You Need To Know About The Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Today the Royal Shakespeare company is live-broadcasting its current production of The Two Gentlemen of Verona! Not familiar with the play? No worries! I've got you covered. 

The comedies always seem so much more complicated than the tragedies, don't they?

If you've seen Shakespeare in Love, you know more about The Two Gentlemen of Verona than you think you do. The bit in the beginning with Queen Elizabeth laughing at the dog on stage? That's Crab, from Two Gents. The "What light is light if Silvia be not seen?" speech that Viola gives at her audition? That's one of Valentine's speeches, from Two Gents. Comedy, love, and a bit with a dog. 

Check here to see when/where the RSC's Two Gents broadcast will be playing near you! 

(Also, my apologies for not posting anything yesterday. I was busy lying on the couch, recovering from a rock-climbing road trip. It turns out it's very hard to get anything done while lying on the couch.)

Three-Panel Plays, part 18

It's the penultimate edition of my Three-Panel Plays

Probably my favorite comedy. It's just so much fun. I'll eventually get around to giving it the full scene-by-scene treatment, but until then, here are a couple of Twelfth Night themed comics I posted earlier:


Of course, ever since Shakespeare in Love, this play is better know as "the one with the dog in it". I left the dog out, due to space constraints. I hope the dog will forgive me.

Tune in tomorrow for that mostly-Shakespeare play, The Two Noble Kinsmen, and that mostly-a-comedy-but-also-not-quite play, The Winter's Tale

See all Three-Panel Plays here!

A Comprehensive Guide to Shakespearean Cross-Dressers


Obviously, as all female roles were played by men in Elizabethan times, there were technically a lot more cross-dressers in Shakespeare, but these are the ones that cross-dressed in the context of a play. Viola and Rosalind are the really plum roles, but one of my personal favorites is Innogen from Cymbeline. She is really put through the metaphorical wringer. Special mention to Julia, who exclaims "O ME UNHAPPY!" and then faints dramatically, which, if you're going to faint, is the way to do it.