(Repost) Honorificabilitudinitatibus

This last week kind of got away from me, so while I get my act back together let’s dip into the archives and learn more about one of my favorite words!

Being able to say “honorificabilitudinitatibus” is one of my party trick.

Being able to say it BACKWARDS (“subitatinidutilibacifironoh”) is another one.

Being able to recite the Salic Law speech is a third.

I’m a lot of fun at parties.

Lazy Shakespearean Halloween Costumes (Repost)

Halloween is on Saturday! I don’t know about you, but I am definitely not going out because of the plague. However that doesn’t mean you can’t get festive in the comfort of your own home! Here are some easily-constructed Shakespearean Halloween costume ideas from last year!

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

Consulting pocket dramaturg: Kate Pitt

If you don’t want to go shopping for novelty items, you can definitely use ketchup in place of fake blood. But, you know… at your own risk.