It’s the Ides of March! Make sure to take all proper precautions to protect yourself and others.
Stick Figure Iconography: Player King
As we leave the play-within-a-play, let’s take a closer look at Elsinore’s favorite thespian.
I’m taking next week off to get caught up with Life, but Hamlet will resume the week after that! It’s gonna be CLOSET TIME soon!
A Stick-Figure Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 6)
OK, let’s FINALLY wrap up this scene.
In case you’re keeping track at home, we haven’t yet QUITE reached any of the most popular intermission breaks in this very possibly interminable play.
A Stick-Figure Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 5)
The play WAS the thing wherein the conscience of the king was caught. Now, let’s deal with the fallout…
A Stick-Figure Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 4)
OK, let’s wrap up this play-within-a-play thing!
<dramatic zoom-in>
A Stick-Figure Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 3)
Let’s go on with the shoooowwwww!
Hamlet is not subtle.
A Stick-Figure Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 2)
Another op’nin’, another show
In London, Paris, or Elsinoe
A chance for stagefolks to reenact a murder
Another op’nin, another show…
Confession: I kind of love dumb shows.
A Stick-Figure Hamlet: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 1)
Let’s get this play underway!
No, not this play. The other play. The play-within-a-play.