We’re almost done with this scene! Almost! Not quite! But almost!
A Stick Figure Midsummer Night's Dream: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 5)
When we last left our lovers, everything was a mess…
…and everything is STILL a mess! Good jobs, guys and girls.
A Stick Figure Midsummer Night's Dream: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 4)
Comic love-potion-fueled hijinks and misunderstandings continue!
A Stick Figure Midsummer Night's Dream: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 3)
Lovers! In the forest! Confused! Under the influence of aphrodisiacs! Fighting with each other!
Tune in next week for MORE lovers! In the forest! Confused! Under the influence of aphrodisiacs! Fighting with each other!
A Stick Figure Midsummer Night's Dream: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 2)
Here we go! It’s almost love-potion-addled-quartet-of-quarreling time!
A Stick Figure Midsummer Night's Dream: Act 3, Scene 2 (part 1)
Are you ready? Better buckle up, because this is a LONG SCENE!
This is going to be six-parter, I think… It just KEEPS GOING.
A Stick Figure Midsummer Night's Dream: Act 3, Scene 1 (part 4)
OK! Enough of all that holiday nonsense! It’s time to wrap up this scene once and for all!
Here we go! Get 20% off your entire order from The Good Tickle Shoppe using the incredibly imaginative code BLACKFRIDAY2018 from now until 11:59pm EST on Monday, November 26.
Featuring classics like the Complete Works of Shakespeare in Three Panels Each comic book, the Complete Works of Shakespeare t-shirt, the Shakespeare Flowchart poster, and my brand new Shakespearean Insults t-shirt, plus more!
Happy holidays!